My Wedding Planning & Design Secrets

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

To Moon Or Not To Moon

Beaches Turks & Caicos

Should You Wait Until Much The Wedding To Take A Honeymoon?

In order to spend more of their wedding budget some couples opt-out of taking their dream romantic honeymoon months following their wedding. But is this a good idea?

As a former bride who has been married for over a year, I'm still waiting to take my honeymoon. At the time we decided not to go away because my daughter was an infant and because money was tight with buying a new house and planning a wedding. Well over a year later, my daughter is older, my husband just got a new job and is building up vacation time, I'm busy with the business and we're no further ahead then before.

So my advice to you as a former bride and wedding planner. Go for it!!!! There are so few special moments in our time that you need to take advantage of every single one. Your honeymoon is very important for your relationship. It's a great romantic time that you can spend as husband and wife. It will be a trip unlike any other. And after all of that hard work, stress and headaches over planning your wedding... YOU DESERVE IT! Even if its a weekend away at the cottage or a bed and breakfast, spend that time together!

And if you need any help with booking a romantic honeymoon in the Caribbean we'd love to help you out, just e-mail us

Every moment matters,

Stephanie Thompson WPICC, SCS, CSS
Wedding & Honeymoon Wish Specialist